mSAP provides another boost to miniaturization for the electronics industry, as circuits can be planned and executed in exceedingly compact spaces, thanks to their smaller structural dimensions. It also reduces the risk of short circuits on densely packed circuit boards, because (unlike their chemically created counterparts) mSAP conducting paths do not extend across the base. This means that although the distances between them are small, there is no risk of signal interference.
Product | Description | Roughness (Rz) |
Doublethin NF (DTH-NF) | Line spacing below 10/10µm | ≤ 1.2 µm |
Doublethin NF (DTH-NF-HT) | Line spacing below 10/10µm | ≤ 1.2 µm |
Doublethin NN (DTH-NN) | Line spacing below 15/15µm | ≤ 1.2 µm |
Doublethin ANP (DTH-ANP) | Line spacing of 20/20µm | ≤ 1.5 µm |
Doublethin TZA (DTH-TZA) | Line spacing of 25/25µm | ≤ 2.2 µm |